FCCP Events

Parental Alienation: Effective Interventions

Join us for the FCCP 2020 conference focusing on Parental Alienation: Effective Interventions with Dr. Amy J.L. Baker. Dr. Baker is a nationally recognized expert for her work in parent child relationships, parental alienation, and the emotional abuse of children. She will give two presentations. The morning session will be about the role of mental health professionals in parental alienation cases and the afternoon session will focus on role of the judicial system. After the presentations, Dr. Baker will discuss effective interventions with practitioners and judges.

The virtual conference is for mental health and legal professionals as well as researchers and students in the field.


Dr. Amy J.L. Baker

Researcher, expert, author, and coach in parental alienation

Dr. Amy J.L. Baker is a nationally recognized expert for her work in parent child relationships, parental alienation, and the emotional abuse of children. She has authored or co-authored many books. She will share her research and strategies alienating parents use to manipulate a child along with techniques targeted parents can use to respond to their child. She will also talk about how professionals can effectively intervene in these cases to reduce the negative consequences for a child.

Dr. Baker will share how mental health professionals can help with the family dynamics of an aggressive alienating parent, coaching a targeted parent, and overseeing visits between a child and parent. And she will talk about how judges and attorneys can intervene to stop the alienation even if the child seems to be coping well or if the child is not emotionally strong enough to handle any proposed changes in custody and parenting time, or any engagement in counseling interventions.